Who We Are
Perago Systems is a technology company that focuses on developing and implementing electronic government and B2B commerce solutions towards the provision of various online transactional services. Perago provides strong technical support and knowledge transfer to sustain the competitive advantages gained by customers from their ICT investments.
What We Offer

E-Services Platform
One stop public services provision platform.
The E-Services Platform is an intelligent business process management solution enabling client's to achieve paperless business transformation. It allows organizations to build and run business applications, including designing e-forms, workflows, data management, and reports across enterprise and within departments.
E-Procurement Platform
Better Planning, just-In-Time-Requisitions, competitive Bidding and Effective contract Management.
The E-Procurement Platform (ePROCURE) serves as a collaborative suit of technology products in managing key procurement activities in acquisition of goods, works, and services with enhanced efficiency in procurement management. The Platform's value chain consists of indent management, purchase requisition, e-Tendering, e-Auctioning, vendor management, catalogue management, Order & Ship Notices, and contract management.

Customer Engagement Services
Streamline customer engagement, automate repetitive works, and enhance collaboration within and outside the organization.
The Customer Engagement Platform (ENGAGE) is a powerful and easy-to-use web-based customer services and complaint redressal system. It serves as a communication platform between customers and a service provider through various electronic channels of correspondence to enhance overall customer experiences and delight. The system encourages customers' engagement in controlling the quality of services and instills accountability in the workplace.
Performance Management
Managing your Key Performance Indicators to better business results.
MEASURE is a web-based performance management and productivity platform to design, plan, execute, measure and manage organizational strategy by linking a vision and mission to strategic priorities, objectives, measures, and initiatives. The system is used to monitor and evaluate various projects and activities within organizations. It provides comprehensive capabilities that address the various challenges that are faced in effectively tracking projects and their deliverables.

Data Management Services
Maximize the decision-making power of your data assets.
The Data Management Platform consists of an enterprise data hub, system for data inflow and outflow, databases, data marts and data warehouse as well as technology for data management, transformation and presentation to meet the present and potential business data needs of organizations.
Online Payments
Efficient, secured and affordable online retail payment services.
The Online Payment Platform helps customers pay for government service fees, utilities, and retail purchases seamlessly by integrating it with our e-services and e-commerce platforms. The platform helps to generate payment orders to track payments and e-receipts as proof of payments.